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Employer Services Assurance Corporation (ESAC)

Date of accreditation: July 15, 2019

ESAC accreditation, the PEO industry’s gold standard, requires PEOs to meet the most rigorous financial, ethical, and operational standards. PrestigePEO is one of less than 4% of PEOs that meet such high industry standards.

ESAC accreditation certifies through its initial and ongoing reporting processes that PEOs are adhering to important industry standards and that all key employer obligations are paid, including federal and state employment taxes along with health, employee benefit, and workers’ comp obligations. Financial protection is provided by more than $15 million in surety bonds held in a national bank’s trust as a guarantee for accredited PEO clients and their employees.

Accreditation provides business owners, PEOs, and PEO state and federal regulators with time-tested verification and financial assurance of all key areas of PEO reliability for both IRS-certified and non-certified entities.

PrestigePEO gained accreditation by meeting more than 40 financial and operational reliability standards and regularly reports to ESAC to demonstrate ongoing compliance. You can verify our accreditation and download a copy of our certificate here.
