“In a really tight labor market, the 4-day work week can give businesses a competitive advantage.”
You’ve probably heard of the 4-day work week concept already – in recent years, this idea has become popular in the business world. But you may not actually know of any companies that utilize this 4-day week, and it’s even less likely that you currently work on a 4-day week yourself. Today we’re speaking with a company that wants to change that. In this episode of HR in 15, Rhonda Wheelous, Director of Client Services, Southeast Region at PrestigePEO, speaks with Joe O’Connor, Chief Executive Officer of 4 Day Week Global. Tune in to hear about why a 4-day work week works.
Highlights Include:
- How a shorter work week increases productivity
- Improvements in work/life balance
- Less need for sick days and better morale overall
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Joe O’Connor is a driven and dynamic campaigner and communicator, with extensive leadership experience, and a passion for social justice and progressive change. Joe is currently based in New York City, where in addition to all his work for 4 Day Week Global, he is conducting a one-year research fellowship with Cornell University, leading a research project on working time reduction. He was appointed as CEO in March 2022, taking over from Charlotte Lockhart. Previously he was 4 Day Week Global’s pilot program manager, where he is coordinating pilots of the four-day working week in Ireland, the United States and Canada, with almost 50 companies signed up to participate in six-month coordinated trials early in 2022. Pilots are being planned later in 2022 for the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Israel.