By Andrew Lubash
When I initially started to write this article (on a completely different topic), the world was a very different place. Each time I proofed the article for submission, the world changed even again. One constant: PEOs are here for our clients and NAPEO is here for our members. A lot has gone on over the past few months. Legislation is being passed that affects every one of our clients. Guidance is being issued daily, and that guidance often contradicts the guidance issued the prior day. Our clients are depending on us to provide accurate information.
- The heavily-attended weekly webinars have been invaluable. The content has educated member PEOs about the complexities of recently passed legislation. This has enabled PEOs to remain ahead of the curve in assisting client companies.
- NAPEO staff and its members have spent countless hours (literally 24/seven) reviewing legislation as it is enacted, contacting Senators and Representatives to ensure the legislation being passed does not harm PEO clients. These efforts have resulted in the addition of PEO guidance that resolved the 941 issue in the Department of Treasury’s FAQs.
- NAPEO retained the services of the former administrator of the Small Business Administration (SBA) to guide us through the process so PEOs could advise our clients. The administrator provided NAPEO with a line of communication to the SBA at a time when others could not gain access. The result was that Treasury issued guidance clarifying that a business’s relationship with a PEO does not affect eligibility for a PPP loan and PEO documents are sufficient to fulfill the application requirements.
- PEOs are shining! Client companies are singing the praises of PEOs. Clients are sending non-stop emails and calling, thanking PEOs for being there through this unprecedented crisis.
- New business—the RFP pipeline is full:
- Peers of current clients are asking how they are navigating this crisis. Clients say: “My PEO has handled it all. They have been wonderful.” The response: “What’s a PEO?” The result: a new prospect.
- Former prospects that did not see the value of a PEO now see the value.
- There are new prospects that need a PEO.
- PEOs are shining! Client companies are singing the praises of PEOs. Clients are sending non-stop emails and calling, thanking PEOs for being there through this unprecedented crisis.
- New business—the RFP pipeline is full:
- Peers of current clients are asking how they are navigating this crisis. Clients say: “My PEO has handled it all. They have been wonderful.” The response: “What’s a PEO?” The result: a new prospect.
- Former prospects that did not see the value of a PEO now see the value.
- There are new prospects that need a PEO.
PEOs are shining! Client companies are singing the praises of PEOs. Clients are sending non-stop emails and calling, thanking PEOs for being there through this unprecedented crisis.
New business—the RFP pipeline is full:
Peers of current clients are asking how they are navigating this crisis. Clients say: “My PEO has handled it all. They have been wonderful.” The response: “What’s a PEO?” The result: a new prospect.
Former prospects that did not see the value of a PEO now see the value.
There are new prospects that need a PEO.

Andrew Lubash
2019-2020 NAPEO Chair
Founder & CEO
Prestige Employee Administrators
Melville, New York
Reproduced with permission of the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations